One of the current exhibitions in the Kunstpalast is the Christo and Jeanne-Claude one. The two classes of Grande Section have prepared and set off on a journey into the art and history of the evolution of the artist. If you too would like to visit the exhibition, you may still do so, as it is still open until 29 January.
In addition to being visitors, the children shared with their teachers the findings they made at the museum. Their story can be found below.
“We went to the Kunstpalast. It’s a museum. We took the tram to go there. We had a snack in the Kunstpalast. We visited the exhibition “Christo and Jeanne-Claude”.
CHRISTO has wrapped up things: very big things, but also small ones.
We saw some wrapped objects: a car (VW Beetle) – we drew the car; the Arc de Triomphe; a couture bust; the Bundestag in Berlin.
CHRISTO wrapped a very big house, a church, a doll, a motorbike, trees, a tunnel, an island! He also drew his constructions. He blocked a street with cans to create a wall just to take a picture because the police did not let him to keep the cans there.
We finished the visit and went back to school by tram.
It was a good day! We really enjoyed it! It was very nice and very attractive!
Text dictated by the children of Grande Section A and B (classes of Mrs LANAU and Mr NEE)