Lycée / High-school

A transition to higher education and new horizons

Our challenge is to support students in higher education success, in France or abroad, and to thrive as individuals

Whatever the exam option, French baccalauréat, under the “European English Section” or not, Abibac or the future  baccalauréat français international (BFI), our students follow a stimulating and highly enriching curriculum that will make them stand out from the crowd. They will therefore all have the required skills to access the best universities and prestigious French Grandes Écoles.

Our challenge is to support students in higher education success, in France or abroad, and to thrive as individuals

Whatever the exam option, French baccalauréat, under the “European English Section” or not, Abibac or the future  baccalauréat français international (BFI), our students follow a stimulating and highly enriching curriculum that will make them stand out from the crowd. They will therefore all have the required skills to access the best universities and prestigious French Grandes Écoles.

Pedagogical organisation

Seconde (2nde) –  age 15
Première (1ère) – age 16
Terminale – age 17

Pedagogical organisation

Seconde (2nde) – age 15
Première (1ère) – age 16
Terminale – age 17

Structure from Seconde to Terminale

Lycée is the second cycle of secondary education which consists of three years – Seconde, Première and Terminale.  This is when students can specialise in terms of their subject choices, based on their preferences and their future plans for higher education. Lycée is the last stage in working toward to the baccalauréat and involves continuous assessment throughout the school year.

The internationally recognised standard baccalauréat constitutes the first level of French higher education and is accepted by Grandes Écoles and universities around the world.

The subjects taught are generally the same as in Collège, although the approach is different.  The teaching aims to develop a shared literary, historical, humanistic and scientific culture with gradual specialisation towards the end of Terminale.

The common base of the new Baccalauréat

Students follow a substantial common base curriculum which includes two hours of science per week in Première and Terminale. Also included in the core curriculum are French (in Première), philosophy (in Terminale), history-geography and modern languages A and B, moral and civic education and physical education.

Common base curriculum subjects make up 60% of the overall teaching in Première and 55% in Terminale.


Learning a foreign language promotes enquiring minds and a deep respect for the nationalities and cultures of others

Mastering French, English and one or more other modern languages is key for student to succeed as future world citizens. The multicultural environment that our students experience on a daily basis encourages language learning.


The teaching of French develops students’ reading ability and self-expression. It enriches their literary and artistic culture and plays a key role in shaping minds, developing imagination and sensitivity while building their ability to analyse various types of text.

Working on language plays a fundamental role alongside literary study in our school. The course focuses on four key areas: poetry, literary ideas and the press, novels and storytelling, theatre.


Students are split into two groups: German as a modern language and AbiBac German.  These groups are based on the choices students make at the start of Seconde and on the recommendations of their German teachers.

Modern languages: from 2 hours per week

AbiBac: 6 hours of modern languages and at least 3 hours of history and geography taught in German per week (non-linguistic discipline).


Students have two options: take English as a modern language or choose the European English Section.

Modern languages: from 2 hours per week

European English Section: 2.5 hours of modern languages and 1.5 hours of history and geography taught in English per week (non-linguistic discipline).


In Seconde, students can continue with the Spanish lessons they started in Quatrième.

Exploring Spanish LV3 beginner

Students can also opt for the LV3 Spanish for beginners course. This subject falls under the category of ‘exploratory education’ as defined by recent lycée reform. This course continues into Première and Terminale.

Modern languages: 3 hours


Learning Latin trains the mind, develops a systematic approach and improves spelling. Alongside Greek, it forms the basis of our moral, civic and family codes.

Classical language: 2 hours

Students in Seconde, Première and Terminale are taught in the same class. The number of students interested should be sufficient for the class to be offered.

In Terminale, Latin is an option for the Baccalauréat.

American Internationa Section AIS - soon

The American International Section is open to students who are native English speakers, students who have spent part of their schooling in a country where the language of the section is spoken, or students who can demonstrate a sufficient level of proficiency in the language.
Students with an excellent command of the English language may apply for the Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) option.
The BFI is a rigorous programme dedicated to educational excellence, which sets high standards for students.

Le baccalauréat

Students from Seconde to Terminale work towards the French Baccalauréat exams. This qualification, internationally recognised for its rigour and academic excellence, marks the end of secondary education and crucial for accessing higher education.

The baccalauréat général is evaluated in two ways:

  • Continuous assessment (40% of the final mark): based on student test results achieved in class during the Terminale;
  • Final examinations (60% of the final mark) for the first group and, if applicable, the second (“rattrapage orals” or “épreuves de contrôle” examinations).

Lycée student council (CVL)

The CVL offers a way for Lycée students to have a say in school decisions. Representatives are elected by students.


The CVL consists of 10 elected Lycée students, 2 members of staff and 2 parents/carers. The head teacher chairs the CVL. The vice president is an elected student who holds the position for a full school year.


Elected students may put forward proposals relating to all matters of daily school life. The CVL gives opinions on:

  • The guiding principles of how education is structured
  • Individual support
  • Structure of the school day
  • Development of the strategic plan and procedural rules
  • Issues relating to food and boarding
  • Information on careers advice
  • The organisation of sports, cultural and extra-curricular activities
  • Language exchanges
  • Health, hygiene and security

The CVL also makes proposals on the training of student representatives and the use of Lycée funds.

Pastoral care / Vie scolaire

Vie scolaire (meaning school life) is a distinctively French concept, it connects the various members of the school community and supports students and their families. Its aim is to create the best conditions for students to live, work and grow at LfdD.

The Senior Education Counsellor (CPE) manages the vie scolaire team whose main objectives are to:

  • Welcome students as they arrive in the morning
  • Manage absences and late arrivals based on the online registers taken by teachers
  • Manage student supervision outside of lessons (during play/recess and at lunchtime)
  • Answer student questions and help them to resolve day-to-day issues
  • Answer calls and messages from parents/carers
  • Support students with problems, conflict resolution
  • Help students during homework support sessions

Contact Vie Scolaire

Phone: 0211 / 61 07 95 14 or 0211 / 61 07 95 25 E-mail : ou (leave)


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