Tuition fees

Tuition fees 2023/2024

Overview of fees

Tuition fees

School year 2023/24 Maternelle / Nursery school Élémentaire / Elementary school Collège /Middle school Lycée / High-school
Normal tariff
8.690,00 €
8.150,00 €
10.320,00 €
13.580,00 €
Normal tariff
4.970,00 €
4.660,00 €
5.900,00 €
7.760,00 €
Hybrid tariff*

*In this case, please contact
the financial department at the following email address:

Registration and re-registration

They are to be paid into the school’s account upon registration or re-registration and must be paid in full regardless of the date of arrival of the student.

They are refundable only if the school declines the registration.

School year 2023/24 Registration Re-registration
Normal tariff
2.000,00 €
300,00 €
Reduced and hybrid tariff
1.000,00 €
150,00 €

Reduction grid

Valid only for the reduced tariff
10% discount on the tuition fee from the 3rd child attending (in order of arrival at the school)
15% discount on the tuition fee from the 4th child attending (in order of arrival at the school)
Staff employed by the Parents´ Association at the school, with the exception of those working under “Minijob” status, are exempt from registration and re-registration fees and benefit from a 70% discount in tuition fee per child if the person is employed full-time. In the case of a part-time employment contract, the discount is applied pro rata temporis to the number of hours worked

School supply

Primary schoolMaternelle / Nursery school

Smaller materials (pens, glue, pencil cases, etc.) must be bought by the families; the lists are available on the school website.
School supplies (workbooks, exercise books, etc.) are bought and distributed to the students by the school and have to be paid by the families:
– Pre-school: 20 €
– Primary school: 50 €

Secondaire / Secondary (Collège and Lycée)

Smaller materials (pens, glue, pencil cases, etc.) have to be bought by the families.
School books must be ordered and paid for by the families. The Librairie des Etudiants (LDE) platform is advisable. The lists are sent out in the summer before the start of the new school year and will be available on the LfiSV website. In case of an arrival during the school year, it is advisable to use other providers.
French books for students from 6ème to 1ère (with the exception of the books to be read by the 2nde during the school holidays before entering the 1ère) are bought and distributed by the school and paid for by the families:
– 6ème – 1ère: 35 €

Supply lists are available here: School supplies.


Price per meal
Maternelle / Nursery School
Élémentaire / Elementary and Secondaire / Secondary

Im Falle eines sogenannten individuellen Gesundheitsplans (PAI) wird eine Aufsichtsgebühr von 1,00 € pro Mahlzeit berechnet.

Registration is done via eduka.

Only students who are duly registered for this service can benefit from a meal and from the supervision related to it.
External students cannot benefit from this service and must leave the school during the lunch break.
No meals may be brought in from outside and consumed in the school unless an individualised reception project (PAI) has been drawn up.

Examination fee

These costs are to be paid via bank transfer upon receipt of the invoice, at the latest 15 days after the invoice date.

Diplôme national du brevet (Klasse der Troisième)
50 €
Epreuves anticipées de baccalauréat (Klasse der Première)
150 €
Baccalauréat (Klasse der Terminale)
250 €

American international section (AIS)

All costs are to be paid via bank transfer upon receipt of the invoice, at the latest 15 days after the invoice date.

Middle and high school (books included)

Normal tariff Reduced and hybrid tariff
2.000 €
1.100 €

For new students, admission to the SIA depends on the results of the assessment test.


For classes not offered by the LfiSV, registration with CNED is done by the families who will be charged directly by the CNED.

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