The school supplies are available HERE
Petite Section - Welcoming parents and children to class at 10am.
Classes end at 11.30am. No canteen on this day
Moyenne Section et Grande Section - Welcoming parents and children to class at 12.50pm.
Classes end at 2.30pm. No canteen on this day.
Élémentaire CP - Welcoming parents and pupils at 09am. Classes for all pupils end at 2.30pm. Children who eat at home return to class at 12.50pm. Canteen is provided from this day on.
Élémentaire CE1 au CM2 - Welcome at 8am.
Classes for all pupils end at 2.30pm. Children who eat at home return to class at 12.50pm. Canteen is provided from this day on.
Collège (6ème - 3ème) - Students are welcomed by their class teacher at 9am. Classes end at 12.15pm (no canteen).
Lycée (2nde - Terminale) - Students are welcomed by their class teacher at 1.30pm. Classes end at 3.30pm (no canteen).
The new parents are invited to the school's information evening on Wednesday, 6 September, from 6pm - 7.30pm.
Preschool/Primary school
Maternelle : Friday, 1 September, 5.30pm
CP - Monday, 4 September, 6pm - 7.30pm
CE1 - Monday, 11 September, 6pm - 7.30pm
CE2 - Tuesday, 12 September, 6pm - 7.30pm
CM1 - Wednesday, 13 September, 6pm - 7.30pm
CM2 - Monday, 18 September, 6pm - 7.30pm
German and English lessons of all levels: Thursday, 7 September, 6pm - 7.30pm
Collège - JThursday, 14 September: 6ème - 5ème at 6pm and 4ème - 3ème at 6.30pm
Lycée - Tuesday, 19 September: 2nde at 6pm and 1ère - Terminale at 6.30pm
The meetings with the teachers will take place in the classrooms. All other dates will be announced on the school's website.
The after-school activities and AWO garderie start on Monday 4 September.
The calendar for the 2023-2024 school year is available HERE.