Simone Veil, the portrait – le chef-d’œuvre of three budding artists

Simone Veil, the portrait - le chef-d'œuvre of three budding artists

Not so long ago… our school was changing name. The Lycée français de Düsseldorf (LfdD) adopted the name of a distinguished personality and became the Lycée français international Simone Veil (LfiSV).

We were delighted to celebrate this change together with the 60th anniversary of the school. A very intense moment that will remain forever in the hearts of the children, parents, teachers and school management.

Much work was done to prepare this special event. Teachers worked with the students in different areas, parents did their best to organise each and every detail, students from Première and  Terminale responded immediately to the call and brought their contribution. Thanks to this marvellous teamwork, everyone rejoiced in the celebration.

One thing few parents know, although they have seen the change. The school now displays a new plaque with its new name and… a portrait of Simone Veil.

I would like to present you the art work of three budding artists: Alissa Chaouch (Seconde), Lisa Wesner (5eme) and Alicia Hars (CM1). All three of them love to paint and were delighted to contribute, in their own way, to the great change that our school went through. Selected and guided by Mr Jocelyn Ganneron, they all arrived at the school on a beautiful Saturday and worked for 6 hours to create the portrait that now represents the school.


We would like to thank each of them, we are proud to have them as students, we equally thank Mr Ganneron and tell them that from now on, each time parents look at the school plaque, they will have their names in mind.

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